Redefining Service
By: Cameron Worthington, EC Scholar and Honors College Freshman
Volunteerism is defined as the use or involvement in volunteer labor. I dislike how the term has been defined. Is volunteering really labor? I don’t think so. Volunteering is giving back to the community, helping the under-served, and giving with a smile on your face and happiness in your heart. Every chance you get to volunteer, you should take it. Locally, there is always someone who needs your help. As a part of this university and the Honors College, I constantly feel a desire to lend a helping hand.
The motto of East Carolina University (ECU) is servire, which means to serve in Latin. In my few months at ECU, I have taken time to assist GO Science in furthering science education around Pitt County; to help Dowdy Student Stores distribute textbooks for the fall semester; and to plan multiple service projects with the Honors College Marketing Committee. It has been some of the greatest months of my life. I fell in love with this university and its ideas when I first stepped foot on campus; however, my past experiences were definitely what led me here.
As a local student, I volunteered as much time as I could spare. I spent most of my time at Vidant Medical Center in the emergency department. I logged 400 hours with them, and it encourage me to follow my current career choice. Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to be an emergency physician. I was definitely reassured by my experiences there. I spent a year volunteering in a biomedical laboratory at the Brody School of Medicine. We studied intracellular mechanisms involved in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I cannot begin to describe how spending time in the lab furthered my aspirations to pursue the medical field.
Volunteerism does not just benefit the organization you’re working for–it broadens your experiences and makes you a better person. It opens you to so many different opportunities. You meet new people, form new connections, and build new friendships. Volunteering is everything. I wish I could put into words how much it means to serve. Take every chance you get, no matter how simple, and give back. Giving your time goes a long way.