Honors in Student Government: Vice President Tyler Moore
By: Tyler Moore, Honors College Junior
My experience in Student Government has been an exciting time. Almost two years ago I ran for a seat in the SGA Undergraduate Senate. Although I did not “win,” I still received a seat because there were a few vacancies to fill. The seat I filled was Senator for the Honors College. My first year in Senate was pretty uneventful until spring semester. During that semester, I co-chaired a committee dealing with SGA officer reimbursement. My committee managed to put together a bill that restructured the stipend SGA Officers receive so that it was more equitable and also only resulted in a very small increase in total pay. Navigating that time was very much a character building experience because I managed to upset the people that wanted to raise the stipend and lower the stipend in the same bill. I considered that a sure sign that my committee had done a very good job.
During my second year in SGA, I represented the Honors College seat again, and I also decided to run for Speaker of the Senate. That was probably the most stressful couple of weeks of my time here at ECU because it was occurring right around exams. The election for Speaker resulted in a tie, but eventually, I won after some serious work. My time as Speaker was a blast and taught me so much. With all of the issues about inequality and race that have been far too common on campus this year, I questioned a lot. I questioned my own ideas and those of others. I have grown tremendously and have come to appreciate other cultures, and the struggles of others, much more than I previously did. Though I am still growing in this aspect, I feel that SGA has helped me to be a much better person and to be comfortable around people who have come from very different backgrounds than me.
Recently, following the resignation of Michael King as Student Body President, I assumed the position of Student Body Vice President. This role allows me to be much more engaged with students and student groups, a setting I really enjoy. As Speaker, my foremost priority always had to be making sure Senate was working well; but now, as Vice President the student body has my full attention. SGA has really helped to shape me as a leader. If I had not been in SGA I can honestly say I would be much less concerned with the issues facing groups on campus that have had a poor relationship with SGA in the past. I plan on staying involved in SGA next year in some capacity, albeit a reduced one, in order to continue the work I did this year.
Now that I am Vice President, a typical week can entail a lot of different things. I have been meeting with a group of administrators regarding the renaming of C.B. Aycock Residence Hall frequently the past few weeks. Also, I have been working with a group of SGA officials to put together a sexual assault prevention and awareness event, which is a priority for SGA. But outside of those special projects, I am constantly in meetings with other SGA officials, be it the Senate or the Executive Cabinet. Despite the fact that SGA has an image of not getting much done, we really do a lot–it just doesn’t get publicized.