EC Scholar Lily Faulconer Crowned Miss Kinston
By: Erika Dietrick, Undergraduate Director of Marketing and Communications
Political science major and sophomore EC Scholar Lily Faulconer will be representing Kinston-Lenoir county in 2016 after being named Miss Kinston on Saturday. The prized title came with a $1,000 scholarship, an award that Lily will cherish when she pursues a career an environmental law upon graduation. In June, she will have the honor of representing the region in this year’s Miss North Carolina pageant! You can read the full story on the details of her crowning here.
Congratulations to Lily on this momentous accomplishment! We are confident this is only the beginning of her achievements as a scholar and community leader and are proud to have witnessed all that she has accomplished so far.
Photo: EC Scholar Austin Phillips (right) and sister Lauren (left) attend the Miss Kinston-Lenoir county crowning to support Lily (center).