Business Scholars: More Than A Number

By: Haley Smith, Business Scholar and Honors College freshman 

Honors Blog photoBeing in the Honors College at East Carolina is such a huge honor. It sets me apart from the large university. In the same way, being a Business Scholar sets me apart inside the College of Business. I am currently in my second semester here at ECU and I have loved every second of my time here. I am majoring in Finance with hopes to become a financial analyst. After completing my undergraduate degree and obtaining my BSBA, I will go to graduate school at East Carolina’s College of Business and acquire my MBA.

I originally applied to be a Business Scholar because of the awesome benefits that it would bring me. One major benefit that can be appreciated by all is a $12,000 scholarship, which is given out as $1,500 per semester for four years. That might sound great, but the best part is that an ECU College of Business alumni selects you and they personally fund your scholarship. This allows me, and all other Business Scholars, to form a one-on-one connection with our sponsor, who is usually someone that has worked their way up in their corporation, and is willing to help us in any way possible. The fact that they care so much about me and my success is a huge part of the whole experience. Another benefit of being a Business Scholar is what happens after I graduate. Upon completing my undergraduate here at East Carolina, as long as I remain in good standing, I will have an automatic, guaranteed seat in ECU’s nationally ranked MSA or MBA graduate program.  This is a huge benefit, as I will not have to worry about taking the GMAT or worry about applying or getting into other graduate schools. I am able to know my exact plan once graduating from my undergrad. Another benefit of being a Business Scholar is being invited to events to represent the College of Business. For example, one event I went to was a reception at Dean Eakins’ house. I was able to meet and network with notable alumni — I actually received lots of business cards, and I was told to call if I ever needed anything or if I was looking for a job. Did I mention that that was in the first month of my first semester? It was an incredible feeling knowing that the alumni cared about me and they were already looking to help me with jobs and internships and I didn’t even know that much about my major yet!

Overall, being a business major and a part of the College of Business has been an incredible experience so far! East Carolina has one of the largest undergraduate business schools out of all seventeen universities in the UNC system. The faculty of the business school is extremely nice and passionate about the subjects that they teach. It is nice to know that my professors, advisors, and even the administration of the business school all care about my success not only in the classroom, but they also hope for my success after I graduate. Within the College of Business I am more than just a number — the faculty actually know my name, which is something that you often can’t say about other large universities. Dr. Westmoreland, the Associate Dean, Mrs. Karen Kus, the Director of Undergraduate programs, and Mrs. Anne Fisher, the Director of Professional Programs, have all really impacted my time within the College of Business. These three people never fail to stop what they are doing and ask me how I am and how my classes are going. Every time I see them, I am reminded of how incredible ECU’s College of Business is and how I made a wonderful decision to attend East Carolina University.