UNCG Honors Symposium

The Honors Symposium (Friday, March 1, 2019) offers outstanding undergraduates the opportunity to participate in an academic conference with concurrent sessions. We welcome submissions from any Honors student from a North Carolina Honors Program or Honors College. Papers should be research-based and can be written in any discipline, but presentations should be geared toward a general audience. Students may submit a paper that has been completed for a course or write a paper for the Symposium. Students are allowed to submit more than one paper for consideration to the Symposium.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, December 20 at 11:55pm. Please note the method of submitting papers via Google Forms with an easy to type and remember tinyurl! 
Last year we had excellent participation from across North Carolina with honors students from eleven institutions participating and over 150 papers submitted! We’d love to have your honors students participate again or join us for the first time. Please note, the call is for papers only, we will not have a poster session.

We will offer an awards category just for visiting students with awards of $250, $150, and $100 for the top three visiting papers. There is no registration fee to submit a paper or to attend the Symposium.