UNC-Chapel Hill Summer Study Abroad in London
LONDON CALLING! Study abroad in the heart of London this summer. Take classes on the Kings College London campus by the River Thames and earn 6 credits in six weeks. In the first 3 weeks, students take a UNC course on Literature & Diplomacy taught by UNC Professor Ted Leinbaugh, alongside former British Ambassador to the United States, Sir Christopher Meyer. In the second 3 weeks, students take a course offered by KCL faculty, with subject offerings in security studies, sciences, literature, politics, history, global studies, film studies, and more.
The first course surveys foundational texts from the canon of early Western literature and explores how these texts continue to shape our world today. Guest lecturers include global foreign policy experts and world-renowned specialists from the British Museum. You will learn about the latest policies on Brexit, international relations, and more, through scheduled briefings at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI, the world’s first defense policy think-tank), and other opportunities. This program is open to UNC and non-UNC students, undergraduate and graduate alike. Invite a friend! The PROGRAM DATES are June 30 – August 11, 2019. Transatlantic Travel Scholarships available!
MORE DETAILS AND A LINK TO THE ONLINE APPLICATION: https://heelsabroad.unc.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10505
Connect with DrT Leinbaugh: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6490431273474027520/
Find out more about the sponsor of this trip – The Transatlantic Forum for Education and Diplomacy: https://www.facebook.com/TransatlanticForumForEducationAndDiplomacy/