Call for Papers - UNCG Honors Symposium
Call for Submissions: Outstanding Student Papers
Friday, February 28, 2020 Elliott University Center
The Honors Symposium offers outstanding undergraduates the opportunity to participate in an academic conference with concurrent sessions. We welcome submissions from all UNCG undergraduate students or any Honors student from a North Carolina Honors Program or Honors College. Papers should be research-based and can be written in any discipline, but presentations should be geared toward a general audience. Students may submit a paper that has been completed for a course or write a paper for the Symposium. Students are allowed to submit more than one paper for consideration to the Symposium. A group of students may submit a presentation. December 2019 UNCG graduates are also allowed to submit papers for consideration to the Symposium.
Students can submit a paper by:
Submit your paper for consideration via Google Forms at: by December 20, 2019 at 11:55 p.m. Students should plan for a 10 to 15-minute summary presentation and Q&A to follow.
The Honors Symposium Prizes, sponsored by UNC Greensboro’s Lloyd International Honors College, are awarded for outstanding papers submitted to the Symposium. This year prizes dedicated to the encouragement of high quality academic writing will include monetary awards of $250, $150, and $100 in one category for Visiting Honors students and in two categories for UNCG students: Arts & Humanities, and Sciences & Professional Schools. Award decisions are based on the papers submitted, not the presentation of the papers. Papers must be presented at the Symposium to be eligible for a prize.
There is no registration cost to present or attend. We encourage friends and family to attend as audience members. For more information about the Symposium, students and faculty may contact Dr. Angela Bolte, Assistant Dean in Lloyd International Honors College, at (336) 334-4734 or