GCSC volunteer opportunity for PreMed students
The below message is from Kelly Kimble and Rachel Bailey, the pre-med schedulers for the Greenville Community Shelter Clinic (GCSC):
Hi. My name is Kelly Kimble and I am a first-year medical student at Brody. I help run the Greenville Community Shelter Clinic (GCSC). The clinic is run by medical students, and it serves residents of the Greenville Community Shelter and the surrounding area. We hold clinic on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-9:30PM. Each clinic relies on 3 ECU Pre-med volunteers who help take vitals and intake forms. We are currently looking for more Pre-med volunteers for the Spring semester!
If anyone is interested in volunteering with the shelter clinic, please email us (gcscpremed@gmail.com) by February 1st. After contacting us via email, we will help you get signed up for an orientation session.