2020 REU at New York Tech (Deadline March 5)
With funding by the National Science Foundation, the Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) Program at New York Tech is recruiting ten undergraduate students to conduct research with our faculty on hardware and software approaches to securing mobile devices and their networks for 10 weeks during the summer (May 26 – July 31).
Participating students will get $6,000 stipend, $600 travel allowance, $3,000 housing (estimated) and $24/day (estimated) food allowance PLUS research experiences, grad school preparation, networking/mentoring opportunities, and visits to state-of-the-art labs, security centers, and corporations. Applications are due on March 5, 2020. Student may apply at: www.nyit.edu/reu.*
Located in the heart of New York City near Columbus Circle at the southwest corner of Central Park, New York Tech’s 10-week summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program provides opportunities for ten motivated and talented undergraduate students to collaborate with New York Tech faculty and graduate students in research on methods of securing mobile devices and wireless networks using both software and hardware approaches.
REU fellows will have access to the university’s state-of-the-art research facilities and gain valuable hands-on research experiences using network testbeds to simulate malware and attacks on mobile devices and wireless networks, efficient privacy-preserving authentication methods with novel biometrics for medical devices and smartphones, emotions of populations vulnerable to phishing, and secure sharing of wireless spectrum for body-area networks and connected vehicles.
To apply, visit https://www.nyit.edu/engineering/apply