Pirate Academic Success Center
The Pirate Academic Success Center will not be holding any face to face, campus-based appointments. All services will be provided online starting March 16, 2020.
Tutoring Services:
Tutor Matching Service (TMS)
PASC tutors are ready to help you succeed! Tutoring services are available online with Tutor Matching Service. All PASC regularly tutored courses will be supported.
How TMS works: All ECU students who 1) use their ECU email, and 2) schedule with a PASC badged tutor will receive $150 in free tutoring services this semester. This averages to 2 times per week.
To log on to Tutor Matching Service use: tutormatchingservice.com/ecu
Be sure to use your ECU e-mail to log into TMS @ ECU.
CANVAS course help sites
Biology 2130, 2140 & 2150, Chemistry 1120, 1130, 1150, 1160, 2750, 2760 and Physics 1250 are supported with helpful videos created by our tutors. Students who are enrolled in these classes have had access all semester.
Student Success Services:
CANVAS help site
ECU Freshmen and Sophomores have access to a PASC study skills CANVAS course made just for finishing the semester strong. PASC staff are recording videos and have content support to help every student succeed in an online environment.
Personalized Study Skills Coaching
PASC Professional staff are ready to meet with any student online or by phone and help build strategies for success. Students should call 252-737-3009 or email tutoring@ecu.edu to schedule an appointment. Let us help you finish the semester strong!
Have a question? Contact PASC staff at 252-737-300 or by email at tutoring@ecu.edu.