Reminders, Pirate Packs & Moving Home (4/9 Update)
Good afternoon Honors Community!
Here are a few updates from the Honors College and ECU and tips on how to deal with living back at home during this time.
Honors College updates:
- Don’t forget to fill out a note for a senior that graduated in Fall 2019 or will graduate Spring 2020:
- The application for the 2020-21 Makers Arts Residency closes on Wednesday, April 15. Contact Tanner Ruffin ( for more information.
- Applications to be a undergraduate research assistant with the HNRS 2000/3000 instructional team close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15.
- There will be a virtual HCSC Town Hall on the evening of Monday, April 13. More information will be available Monday about how to attend and what topics will be discussed.
ECU updates:
- The Purple Pantry is providing Pirate Packs for students who are in need of food and/or hygiene items. To promote social distancing, they have begun delivering these packs to students still in Greenville. To receive a pack, fill out the Pirate Pack Delivery Request Form by 5 p.m. each Monday. Click here for more information.
Adjusting to Moving Back In With Family During COVID-19:
- Be patient. This is an adjustment period for both you and your family. Give yourself and your parents’ permission to make mistakes.
- Set boundaries. Let your family know your online class schedule and when you’ll be working on school work. You can also set boundaries around topics you will and not will not talk about what at home, and choose not to engage if they try to bring up those topics if they’re uncomfortable.
- Stay connected to your friends. Your family doesn’t have to be your only social interaction. Stay in touch with friends through texting, phone calls, and video chat, and allow them to support you.
- Go on walks. Social distancing is critical but if it’s still viable in your area, you should take advantage of getting outside. These will also give you an opportunity to get fresh air and get some space from your family.
All of us in the Honors College are here for you and ready to support you. Let us know if you have questions, concerns or need someone to talk to you.
Previous updates can be found here.
If there is content you would like to see in these updates, contact Kristen Martin (