Phi Kappa Phi Awards Available
The Fellowship Program – About the Award
For Seniors graduating in May 2021 having applied to enroll as a full-time student in a post-baccalaureate program
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi currently awards fifty Fellowships of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each, and two at $35,000 each to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Each active Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among its local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards.
Established in 1932, the Fellowship Program annually provides funding to first-year graduate students who are pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees across all academic disciplines. Endorsed by their local chapter, Phi Kappa Phi Fellows go on to study at some of the nation’s top graduate schools.
Dec. 15, 2020: Application portal opens
Want a reminder? Click here.
Late March/Early April 2021: Applicants must apply through their local chapter. Chapter deadlines vary, typically two weeks prior to the national deadline. Check with your chapter.
April 30, 2021: National deadline
Summer 2021: Recipients will be notified
Selection Criteria
Selection is based on the applicant’s promise of success in graduate or professional study, as evidenced by:
- Academic achievement, including transcripts, honors and awards, relevant research experience, standardized test scores, and samples of creative work
- Service and leadership experience, on and off campus
- Letters of recommendation
- Personal statement and career goals
- Work Sample
- Acceptance/Application at an approved graduate or professional program
To apply for a Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship, you must:
- Be an active member of Phi Kappa Phi (annual dues paid by April 15 of the current year) or have accepted membership by June 30 of the year in which you are applying. Applications will be accepted from individuals selected for membership but not yet initiated; see the application form for details.
- Have applied to enroll as a full-time student in a post-baccalaureate program of study for the current academic year. Accredited international institutions are acceptable.
Please note:
- International students are eligible.
- Students registering in all professional and graduate fields are eligible.
- Applicants should not hold other graduate degrees; this should be their first graduate program.
- Applicants who have successfully completed 10 or more graduate credits on or before April 15 are not eligible.
- Winners may defer for up to two years, pending approval.
- Applicants cannot be a sitting Phi Kappa Phi board member, divisional vice president, member of the Fellowship Award committee or Society employee.
Application Process
You may complete the application online and print it out. You’ll then submit the application, official transcripts, test scores (if applicable), work sample, and two letters of recommendation to your local chapter by their deadline. Your chapter’s address may be found on the online Chapter Directory. Each chapter will select one applicant as its nominee for the competition.
Selection is based on the applicant’s promise of success in graduate or professional study, as evidenced by:
- Academic achievement, including transcripts, honors and awards, relevant research experience, standardized test scores, and samples of creative work
- Service and leadership experience, on and off campus
- Letters of recommendation
- Personal statement and career goals
- Work Sample
- Provide a sample of your best academic writing (2,500 words). Do not submit work by multiple authors.
- If in the Arts, a creative work sample may be provided in lieu of a writing sample (no more than 5 pages or 5 minutes of audio/visual).
- Provide a sample of your best academic writing (2,500 words). Do not submit work by multiple authors.
- Acceptance/Application at an approved graduate or professional program
For additional information and applicant resources, click here.
Literacy Grants
About the Award
The Literacy Grants program was initiated to mobilize members and resources of Phi Kappa Phi and the higher education community to champion literacy initiatives. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives. The Society’s commitment to the cause of literacy grows out of and is consistent with its mission, which was expanded to include “…and to engage the community of scholars in service to others.”
Dec. 15, 2020: Application portal opens
Want a reminder? Click here.
April 1, 2021: Deadline for applications
June 1, 2021: Recipients will be notified
Selection Criteria
The definition of literacy should be considered broadly.
Proposals may be for new projects or for support of existing projects. Target groups may include children to adults.
Budget can be used only for supplies and materials, publicity, postage, etc. Budget cannot be used for salaries or stipends.
Literacy Grants are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and members. The project director applying for the grant must be an active (dues current) Phi Kappa Phi member.
The applicant cannot be a sitting Phi Kappa Phi board member, divisional vice president, member of the Literacy Award committee or Society employee.
Application Process
Submit your application through our online portal. Projects can be funded for two consecutive years. Funding is not available for a third year, but project managers may apply again in year four. No project may receive more than three grants.
Grant recipients will be notified via email by June 1.
For additional information and applicant resources, click here.
Love of Learning Award – About the Award
Seniors Graduating by May 2021
Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate professional development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/research/learning, etc. Recipients of the Fellowship award are not eligible to apply. Two hundred awards, at $500 each, are distributed each year.
Dec. 15, 2020: Application portal opens
Want a reminder? Click here.
June 30, 2021: Application deadline
Sept. 1, 2021: Recipients will be notified
To apply for a Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award, you must:
- Be an active (dues current) Phi Kappa Phi member
- Have completed your baccalaureate studies by application submission deadline
- Have not yet received a Fellowship, Dissertation Fellowship or Award of Excellence grant
- Not be a sitting Phi Kappa Phi board member, divisional vice president, member of the Love of Learning Award committee or Society employee.
Application Process
Submit your application through our online portal. Additional resources are available in the Related Information box.
You will be required to upload a copy of your transcript verifying that you have earned your undergraduate degree. This transcript can be unofficial and must be uploaded as a single PDF, so please scan multiple pages into one file. We will not accept paper transcripts. You are required to upload a PDF during the online application process.
For additional information and applicant resources, click here.