ECU Staff Senate Scholarships
Children of SHRA Scholarship
- Undergraduate student who is a child of a currently employed SHRA/CSS employee at ECU (includes stepchildren and adopted children)
- Must be enrolled full-time
- Must be pursuing first undergraduate degree
- Minimum 3.0 projected GPA for freshmen or actual GPA for current ECU students
- Demonstrated leadership potential
- Demonstrated community involvement and extracurricular activities
Deadline: January 15th
Apply at
Gail Jordan Memorial Scholarship
- Must be a full-time SHRA, CSS or EHRA non-faculty employee at ECU
- Must be taking undergraduate or graduate level courses
- Will cover the expenses for one or more courses (tuition, fees and books) after the faculty/staff tuition waiver has been exhausted for the academic year
Deadline: January 15th
Apply at