Environmental Research Reboot
Date: Feb. 21, 2021
Please mark your calendars for a chance to share your work and shape the future of environmental research at ECU. The Water Resources Center, Center for Natural Hazards Research, Center for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Coastal Studies Institute, and the Natural Resources and the Environment Research Cluster are working together with the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences and the Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement to host a one-day meeting to get us thinking about the future of research post COVID-19.
The day will include a combination of sessions with your contributed presentations and round table discussions to talk about issues and opportunities for enhancing our research capacity at ECU. Round tables could range from student research concerns coming out from COVID-19, promotion of new collaborative research areas, opportunities for using technologies and open science to enhance collaboration, or anything else you can think of that would help you be innovative, efficient and happy in your research.
Please see the website for more details, contribute a presentation, and/or suggest a topic for a round table discussion. Talks and posters will be archived for long-term viewing on an online platform to help let people at ECU and beyond learn more about your research. Students are welcome and encouraged to contribute to the discussions and presentations!
Learn more online at http://water.ecu.edu/reboot/