Mitchell Scholarship Open (Deadline 9/24/21)
The Mitchell Scholarship Program application for the 2022-2023 academic year is now open.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions section of our site very carefully before emailing me with questions.
Before you start the application, make sure you have read the application instructions thoroughly.
Please do not upload an encrypted transcript. An unofficial transcript is fine for the initial application. Finalists will be asked to provide official transcripts.
We require a short video interview as part of the application process. Instructions are emailed shortly after the application deadline to all applicants who submit a complete application.
If you are a graduate student or a non-student, you will not need to submit an institutional endorsement.
We welcome students in any discipline, not only Irish Studies majors, and we welcome students of every background and ethnicity, not just Irish-Americans.
The Universities and Institutions in Ireland and Northern Ireland are often adding and changing programs and offerings, so research your choices well.
Mitchell Scholarship applicants — both those who were ultimately selected as Scholars and those who were not — tell us they learned an enormous amount from the application process about who they are and what they want to do. We hope you’ll have the same experience.