Nutrition Education Volunteer Opportunity on ECU campus
This message is posted on behalf of senior Dana Shefet:
I hope you are having a great week. I wanted to reach out to you all about an awesome opportunity for the upcoming school year. My research mentor, Dr. Virginia Stage, is recruiting students to help with volunteering in her Food-based Early Education (FEEd) Lab. I have been a part of this lab since my first semester of freshman year and am working on my Senior Honors Project through this lab. Additionally, I am getting published this summer through my work in the FEEd Lab!
I have had incredible mentorship opportunities, volunteer experiences, and professional development accessible to me through the FEEd Lab. Some of my experiences volunteering in the lab have included nutrition lessons in Head Start preschool classrooms, collecting children’s carotenoid levels on a Veggie Meter, and creating educational tools to teach Head Start staff about collecting children’s BMI.
Dr. Stage has worked with many Honors College students in the past and is excited to continue her work with Honors College students in the years to come! Working in this lab has been the highlight of my college experience. My work with the lab was more than just a few lines on my resume- I have had such meaningful experiences through my time in the FEEd Lab and truly felt my impact in the communities I served.
Please reach out to me ( or Dr. Stage ( if you have any questions. I am looking forward to seeing all the great things Honors students and the FEEd Lab do in the years to come!