Research Job Opportunity on Ocean Wave Energy for Undergrad Students

Dr. Tarek Abdel-Salam seeks a motivated undergraduate student that has interest  in conducting research on renewable and ocean wave energy. This research is part of a $1.4 million project  that was recently awarded to the Department of Engineering. A commitment  to work at least one academic year  and a minimum of 10 hrs/week is expected (Summer I and II funding is available). Hourly rates will be based on the student’s prior experience, and incremental raise is expected based on performance. Applicants should have  a good academic record. Juniors are preferred however, sophomores and seniors  will be considered as well. This project is  aligned with  the Mechanical, Electrical, Environmental, and Systems concentrations.

If interested, please send your request and your resume to Dr. Tarek Abdel-Salam at