CBYX for Young Professionals application now live!
The application portal for the 2022-23 Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals is now open and we encourage U.S. citizens in all majors and career fields between 18.5 – 24 years old to apply. This year’s deadline is November 1, 2021. Click here to learn more and to request an application.
CBYX webinars for potential applicants (advisors also welcome) will be held on Thursday September 23rd at 3pm EST (register here) and Friday October 15th at 3pm EST (register here).
Now in its 38th year, CBYX is sponsored by the German Bundestag (Parliament) and U.S. Congress. CBYX for Young Professionals is administered by Cultural Vistas on behalf of the U.S. State Department.
75 young professionals from the USA will spend August 2022 – June 2023 in Germany with host families, attend language school, take university or trade/technical classes and complete an internship in their prospective career field. 75 Germans also travel to the USA for a similar experience. We seek applicants whose professional and educational ambitions would benefit from a year in Germany. German proficiency is not a requirement to apply or participate.
If you have any questions, reach out to Dr. Daniel C. Villanueva, senior director, at dvillanueva@culturalvistas.org or Fiona Laux, CBYX Program Officer, at flaux@culturalvistas.org. We look forward to welcoming a new class of CBYX Fellows in 2022 and hope your students might be among them!