Dignity Journal now accepting submissions
Dignity Journal endeavors to showcase a broad spectrum of human rights scholarship by undergraduate students in the University of North Carolina System.
Long-form Scholarly Content:
- High quality undergraduate research papers within the human rights field
- Featured in Dignity’s annual Journal publication
- Submissions due February 1, 2022
Short-form Scholarly Content:
- Includes personal essays, book & film reviews, visual artwork, and more
- Published on a rolling basis via Dignity Online, the journal’s online platform
- Submissions are open throughout the year
Cover Art Contest:
- Submissions due February 1, 2022
- More information and specific entry guidelines available at dignity.com/cover-art-contest/
Mission Statement
Dignity: An Undergraduate Human Rights Journal endeavors to showcase a broad spectrum of human rights scholarship by undergraduate students in the University of North Carolina System. The Journal fosters awareness of international and domestic human rights by publishing an annual academic journal containing high-quality, undergraduate human rights research from across the disciplines. Dignity: Online features other forms of human rights scholarship including essays, film and book reviews, and artwork. We hope to inspire undergraduate students to see themselves as valuable contributors to human rights discourse by cultivating a community of engaged student scholars.
Dignity is a student-run publication founded in 2020 at the University of North Carolina at Asheville that invites the active participation of students and faculty across the UNC system as reviewers, editors, and contributors.
If you are interested in being a part of Dignity, you can email dignity@unca.edu or visit the website at Dignityjournal.com for more information.