Chemistry special topic course on social equity & science
This message is sent on behalf of Dr. Banerjee in the Dept. of Chemistry:
I am an instructor in Chemistry and since last spring, I have been teaching a chemistry special topic class on social equity, science, and medicine. This course was created as conversations on race and gender have become more popular in the medical curriculum and to give stem students an opportunity to learn social theories in the context of science. This course was very popular last year and based on that I am offering it this spring as well (Chem5527). This time it will be face-to-face. STEM students who want to take this class do not need any STEM or social science pre-requisite. It is a 3 credit elective class, so it will satisfy their STEM elective hours. Finally, the chemistry study abroad program in Bolivia (on medical racism) is based out of this class and any student taking this class will have the tools to engage in that program. Finally, this class is discussion-based, so evaluation is not through tests. I am attaching a link for the class from last year.
Dr. Banerjee