Gerontology Program Info Sessions
Interested in learning more about the gerontology minor (undergrad) and/or certificate (grad or non-degree) program? Attend one (or both!) of the info sessions.
The gerontology minor is for undergraduates, and the certificate is for graduate or non-degree students.
The number of people age 60+ will grow from 900 million to 2 billion worldwide between 2015 and 2050! The current health care workforce is not big enough to meet older adults’ needs.
Want to learn more about the gero programs?
The information sessions for each program will be held via Zoom:
Gero minor info session – 3/21/22 at 6 PM
Gero certificate info session – 3/23/22 at 6 PM
RSVP to attend the Zoom info session(s)!
Minor RSVP at
Certificate RSVP at
Questions? Contact Abby Schwartz at