Pirate Navigator Scholarship Interviews
The Pirate Navigator position (Admissions Tour Guide) is a highly selective position. Below is some insight about the scholarship and the roles if offered the scholarship.
- Scholarship Amount – $500 per semester (Fall and Spring – totaling $1,000 for the year)
- Pirate Navigators are required to:
- Do 2 tours a week (during the Fall and Spring semesters – roughly 4-5 hours of work per week)
- This excludes Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer breaks (these times are not required but there is additional funding/payment opportunities for these breaks)
- 1 Saturday tour in the Fall and 1 Saturday Tour in the Spring
- Fall Open House
- Spring Pirates Aboard
- Do 2 tours a week (during the Fall and Spring semesters – roughly 4-5 hours of work per week)
- Pirate Navigators must be in good standing with the university (Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities)
- No record of misconduct/Breaking the Code of Conduct
- Pirate Navigators must be in good academic standing
- 3.0 GPA or higher
- Pirate Navigators must be enrolled full time:
- Undergraduate – 12 credit hours
- Graduate – 9 credit hours
ECU Admissions is hosting in-person group interviews the week after Easter Weekend (April 19th and April 20th). These interviews will be for those interested in starting this Fall/Summer 2022 semester as a Pirate Navigator. There are two days/times you can select to join for your interview, which are below (First-Come-First-Served):
Tuesday, April 19th – 2:30pm-4:30pm
Wednesday, April 20th – 2:30pm-4:30pm
Again, these will be on a first-come-first-served basis for spacing reasons!
If you are still interested in the Pirate Navigator Position, please email Rob Olewine (olewiner17@ecu.edu) your:
- Name
- Major
- Year (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)
- If you’re a transfer student or came to ECU straight from high school
- Hometown and State
- Date/Time for interview (2 dates/times listed above)
- Current ECU GPA (Freshmen can send me your current course grades)
- Clubs, Organizations, Honors Societies, On-Campus Jobs or Involvement, etc.
- Banner ID
- A Screenshot of your “Week At A Glance” Fall semester class schedule from PiratePort
Once you sign up for your interview date and time, Rob Olewine will send additional information with the room location and dress attire for the interview. If you have any questions, please let him know and he will be happy to help.