24th Neuroscience Symposium Call for Abstracts and Registration
24th Annual Neuroscience Symposium
Friday, October 28th, 2022
Harvey Hall at the Murphy Center, ECU (map)
8:00am – 4:15pm EDT
The Eastern Carolina Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (ECCSfN) humbly invites you to attend the 24th Annual Neuroscience Symposium! It is open to anyone with an interest in neuroscience (research, clinical, and applied). The tentative program schedule is attached. The event will be held in-person and offers a wonderful line-up of talks from experts from UCLA, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Wilmington, and East Carolina University. The event will also have research poster sessions offered by undergraduate students and Lightning Talks offered by graduate students. Costumes are encouraged!
We are extremely excited to have David Glanzman, PhD as our keynote speaker who will provide this talk:
“Is Long-Term Memory in Aplysia Encoded by Nuclear Mechanisms?”Distinguished Professor of Neurobiology
Brain Research Institute, Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology
The University of California, Los Angeles
Please register and/or submit poster/podium abstracts here. The abstract deadline for posters and Lightning Talks is Friday, October 21st. Online registrations will be accepted up to 5:00PM EDT on October 27th. After this date, registration can be carried out in-person at the Check-In/Registration Desk on October 28th.
Please direct specific inquiries to the following individuals:
Website, Registration, Payment: Dr. Tuan Tran, Treasurer
Event Inquiries: Dr. Karen Litwa, President