Applications open for Duke CTSI Bigger Summer and Fall 2023 program
Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute’s Bridging the Gap to Enhance Clinical Research (BIGGER) Program provides a high-quality research experience over a six-month period for students in their gap year, defined as the period after college graduation and prior to applying for or enrollment in graduate/professional school.
The program is designed to attract diverse, talented students to careers in science; to foster a better understanding of clinical research and its implications; and to provide opportunities for students to gain valuable research experience in preparation for a health professions career. The proposed immersion program will expand and complement existing NIH-sponsored training programs at Duke University and under the leadership of the co-PIs, Dr. Kevin Thomas and Dr. Vivian Chu.
The 2023 BIGGER program will run June through December 2023. Application deadline: January 23, 2023.
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