Gender to a Tea: Feb. 8 event
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 8, when Donna Kain and Elisabeth Reed will discuss “How Female STEM Students Present Themselves in Personal Statements” as part of Gender to a Tea.
The discussion will take place at 1 pm on WebEx.
Gender to a Tea is a speakers’ series designed to help gender-focused researchers by fielding questions from attendees about the presenters’ ongoing, unpublished research.
The series – which is free and open to the public – is sponsored by the Gender Studies Program, Gender Studies Executive Board, and Harriot College of Arts and Sciences.
Individuals requesting accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should contact the ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the event at (252) 737-1018 /
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2620 719 8439
Gender (436337 from phones)
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