Independent SHP research for BIO/CHEM majors
Are you starting your SHP and looking for a mentor? Are you majoring in molecular biology or biochemistry? Are you interested in research? As you may know, you can choose to do a Thesis track for your SHP. This involves finding a lab mentor and joining their lab research for 2-3 semesters.
Currently, Dr. Brett Keiper is seeking a student to join his lab for independent research beginning in Spring 2025. Dr. Keiper’s lab is located at the Brody School of Medicine in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His research uses C. elegans as a model to ask questions on topics such as mRNA regulation, translation factors, embryogenesis, and germ cells.
Current Honors College student Brooke Barker has participated in Dr. Keiper’s lab for two semesters and highly recommends it! She did 3 credit hours for BIOL 3504, and 3 credit hours for BIOL 3550 (WI) the second semester. Not only do these count towards your SHP requirements but can also apply to your Writing Intensive course and BIO electives. In Dr. Keiper’s lab, she performed fluorescent microscopy, dissections, and many other experiments. Being in a research lab requires time and hard work, but is absolutely worth it!
Please feel free to contact Dr. Keiper with your interest! Include your CV/Resume and your Course List.
You can also contact Brooke with any questions before contacting Dr. Keiper: