Brody Summer Biomedical Research Program - Applications due Feb. 14
May 27 – July 25, 2025
The SBRP is a research intensive program that provides the foundational skills needed to succeed as a graduate or professional student. The program consists of nine weeks of laboratory experience at the Brody School of Medicine, one of its affiliated institutes, or one of the basic science departments. All necessary laboratory specific biological and chemical safety training modules are provided.
The career development portion of the curriculum incorporates a health/science career symposium and a series of seminars and workshops preparing the applicants to apply to graduate or professional school. At the conclusion of the program, participants will present their research at the closing ceremony poster session.
Each participant will receive a living expense stipend of $3500 (before taxes) and will be offered on campus housing at no cost. Questions regarding the SBRP may be directed to: Dr. Sriramula at