Apply to be a 2025-2026 Honors Art Maker by April 7th

The Makers Program is a year-long paid residency program in the ECU Honors College that gives honors students from all majors the opportunity to create visual or performing artwork and act as Honors College arts ambassadors. These chosen ambassadors will be provided with resources and connections to grow their craft as artists and learn more about the process of artmaking as a whole.

Makers will be required to create and show at least three works of any media inspired by this year’s theme “Culture and Identity.” They will be given two opportunities to display their work to the public. They will be required to display one piece created for the residency along with two other personal pieces at the first Makers Showcase, and all of their pieces created for the residency at the Makers Final Showcase at the end of the year. This is a special event hosted specifically for the Makers to display their hard work! During the final showcase, Makers will present an artist statement to go along with their work. 

Along with these showcases, Makers will be required to attend an Inspiration Trip to the Greenville Museum of Art and participate in a service activity where they will help to teach an art class. 

All Makers must participate in meetings with the curator, Aydan Lawler, for critiques, advice, and guidance. She will be your guide whenever you need help with the process of planning art, creating art, presenting art, and talking about your art. Some of these meetings will be group meetings, but the majority will be one-on-one as the year progresses. 

Group meetings will be held in person at Mamie Jenkins. They will be scheduled to discuss any event that is upcoming or when it is time to begin working on artist statements. One-on-one meetings will be scheduled every other week throughout the year. Which day of the week these meetings are held will be decided based on whenever it is convenient for both your schedule and Aydan’s. The one-on-one meetings are usually quite short, taking no more than 10-15 minutes.  

The final requirement is that each Maker must leave one of their works to be displayed in the Honors College building once their residency for the year is over. For fine artists, this will mean leaving a physical work. For performing artists, this will be photos and a video of you performing at least one of your pieces. 

Learn more about the Makers program on the Makers 2025-2026 schedule outline.

Applications are due April 7th and can be completed through the Makers Application Google Form.