An Adventurous Start to Freshman Year

Patrick_TwisdaleMy first living-learning trip with the Honors College was spectacular! Post-Labor day beach time, historical adventuring, and marine life viewing would summarize our excursion to Crystal Cove, Fort Macon, and the Aquarium at Pine Knolls. We began the trip by traveling to Crystal Cove by bus and ferry. Once we arrived, we got to climb the lighthouse and view the whole island from atop of its summit. Although I personally have a fear of heights, it was still exciting to view the island with an aerial view. Afterward, we had a picnic on the beach with Dr. Runyan’s Iron Chef-rivaling cuisine. Once lunch was consumed, we proceeded to jump into the water, play Frisbee, or lay out and read. This ended after about a good hour and a half, when we left to head to the aquarium. Inside of the aquarium we saw many different species of fish, amphibians, and reptiles along with a replica of U-352, a sunken German U-boat during WWII. Finally, we went to the last activity of the trip which was Fort Macon. The Fort was exciting for those of us who especially like to discuss history with one another, which is most of us in the Honors College. With that the day ended and we traveled back to campus. It was a truly fun day that I will remember when I look back on my freshman year.