Dashed Miconceptions of the Honors College Lifestyle

Lindsay_DavenportWhat is it like to live within the Honors College dorm surrounded day and night by all Honors College students?  My first thought about living in Garrett Hall was that I would be surrounded by smart people who would study all of the time.  After a week of living in Garrett Hall, I knew I had a serious misconception about what it would be like living with Honors students.  I quickly became friends with a variety of boys and girls in Garrett Hall.  I live on the second floor, but I have friends from all three floors.  I think being put in a dorm together was the best setting for us; we are all there for each other and to help each other when someone needs it.  It ensures that every Honors student will be bonded to a number of other Honors students, and it fosters an environment of learning, friendship, and FUN!  I thoroughly enjoy living in Garrett Hall.  It has given me people I can rely on for help if I need it and has given me the opportunity to make multiple great friendships.