Move-in Madness

Denver_HollingsworthOnce I graduated high school, I was incredibly excited to begin my college experience. I was thrilled to be enrolled in the Honors College, but I was anxious to begin my living experience at ECU with a lot of people I did not know. I come from a very small town with a high school senior class of less than one hundred, so I was not used to being in a room—much less living in a room—with people I had not known my whole life.

The night before move-in day, my stomach was full of butterflies. Would I like my roommate? Would we get along? Questions circled through my mind all night, but I was still pumped to be living away on my own.

The morning of the move, my family packed up our car, and we drove to Garrett Hall. My first impression of the process was chaos: students running to and fro with parents in tow, all carrying various dorm room essentials.  I was certainly nervous, but it was a nervous excitement that I enjoyed. All of the Garrett Hall staff members were incredibly nice, and I was surprised to find my random roommate and I got along very well. The first night in the dorm was a bit nerve-racking, but I enjoyed the experience tremendously. Every moment living in the dorm was hectic, chaotic, and crazy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Move-in day for me was 2 years ago now, and it seems like a lifetime ago. I made so many friends within those halls and even more memories that will stay with me forever.