HCSC hosts Honors Town Hall tonight (8/26)

The Honors College Student Council (HCSC) will be holding its first official Town Hall meeting of the semester tonight (8/26) from 7-8PM in the Gateway Sounds! And when I say Town Hall, it means this meeting is open for the whole Honors College to attend!


These meetings are your way to join the discussion about our Honors program, provide us feedback, ask questions, and hear about upcoming events/opportunities first hand!


In tonight’s meeting we will be discussing the HCSC Ambassadors, HCSC Freshmen Rep applications, past Freshmen Kick-off events, upcoming events, and more!


You can access the full Town Hall itinerary with the following google doc link:



Attire is casual, and don’t worry about showing up late or leaving early.  Just stay as long as you’re able, and enjoy the light refreshments we’ll be providing!

If you have any questions, email Honors College Student Council President Aaron Johnson at johnsonaa16@students.ecu.edu.