Environmental Research Reboot 2.0 – Oct 22 – Registration open

The Water Resources Center, Center for Natural Hazards Research, Center for Sustainable Energy & Environmental Engineering, and the Coastal Studies Institute invite all ECU faculty, staff, and students to come back together for a second round of the Environmental Research Reboot!


The focus of the fall Reboot will be on building relationships across campus through networking opportunities and interactive panel sessions.


Date: Friday, Oct.22, 2021.

Time: 10:30am-4pm

Venue: ECU Main Student Center, Room 249 (a virtual option will be available via MS Teams)


The agenda for the Reboot is:

  • 10:30-11:45 – Community Meeting: Get involved in the new NRT Coastal Community and Environmental Data Science Scholars Program
  • 12:00-12:50 – Featured Lunchtime* Speaker: Rosie Mueller, Asst. Professor of Economics, Whitman College
  • 1:00-1:55 – Panel 1: Developing Opportunities for Convergence Research

Panelists: Ariane Peralta (Biology), Kura Duba (Engineering), Joi Walker (Chemistry), Meghan Millea (Economics)

  • 2:00-2:55 – Panel 2: Building Collaborative Strategies for Monitoring in the Coastal Plain

Panelists: David Lagomasino (Coastal Studies), Dan Dickerson (Education), Shanyue Guan (Engineering), Chip Popoviciu (Technology Systems), Rob Howard (Geography, Planning and Environment)

  • 3:00-4:00 – Panel 3: Leveraging Institutional Opportunities and Partnerships in your Research Agenda

Panelists: Kristen Myers (co-PI ECU THRIVE Program & Chair of Sociology), Mary Farwell (Asst. Vice Chancellor, REDE), Sharon Paynter (Asst. Vice Chancellor, OCER), Zach Lock (CIO, ITCS)


Please register HERE for the event. *Lunch will be provided for the first 50 registrants.

Looking forward to seeing you on October 22nd. Visit the website for more information water.ecu.edu/reboot