Kristen Martin

November 2014

Choosing a Community of Camaraderie

By: Ann Marie Ballance, Honors College Sophomore One of the most exciting days of my high school senior year was receiving my acceptance letter from the ECU Honors College. As […]


October 2014

Leadership, Service, Creativity: Honors Ambassadors

By: Sam Alvarado, Honors College Sophomore Receiving my acceptance letter to the ECU Honors College signified a new chapter in my life, one that would bring an array of opportunities, […]


Starting College with Service

By: Drew Navarro, EC Scholar and Honors College Freshman Service Day 2014! In a single day, 110 Honors College freshman came together and volunteered with a host of organizations. My […]


My Pirate Life: Graphic Design

By Samuel Alvarado, Honors College Sophomore In an Honors Ambassadors meeting, members were asked to create a video that defines their life as an ECU pirate.  Sam’s video illustrates how […]


Dorm Room Dish: Eating Healthier in College

By: Sarah Lisson, EC Scholar and Honors College Junior Inspiration often strikes at strange times. In my case, it happened to be in the middle of a four-hour bus ride […]


September 2014

Living in the Legacy of Nijmegen

By Joshua Griffin, EC Scholar and Honors College Senior Celebrating over 2000 years of history, Nijmegen is a legacy. With an integrated train system, flexible scheduling in the university, and […]


Art, Assisi, and Adventure: A Year in Italy

By Allie Donnenwirth, Honors College Junior My name is Allie Donnenwirth, and I am a junior in the Honors College. I was lucky enough to study abroad in Italy for […]


An Exploration of Holocaust Archives: Perkins Library at Duke University

By Kristalyn Gill Some people say you can only trust history when you hold, in your hands, a primary source or witness the event itself. However, I do not concur […]


Phenomenal Photographs and Artifacts

By Mary-Grace Kelly While on our class’s excursion to Duke University, I was privileged to see many photos and read many impressive documents, newspaper articles, letters, and books that were […]


Holocaust Denialism and Media: Holocaust Seminar

By Aenia Amin Today’s trip to Duke University and the Nasher Museum was an enriching and eye-opening experience. Upon arriving at Duke, William Hansen, the curator of the Rubenstein Library, […]
