One Month Down, A Lifetime of Pirate Pride To Go
After spending a month at ECU, I can truly say that I bleed purple and gold. There is such a sense of community and school spirit here! Even though it’s […]
After spending a month at ECU, I can truly say that I bleed purple and gold. There is such a sense of community and school spirit here! Even though it’s […]
Becoming an Honors student at ECU is sincerely the best decision I have made in my life thus far. I literally wake up every morning knowing that I made the […]
My name is Mary Stuart Sanderson and I am a second-year EC Scholar. The opportunities that have been available to me through the Honors College thus far have been nothing […]
In my freshman Honors Seminar “Myths and Realities of Poverty” my semester project focused on volunteering at a new non-profit organization in Greenville. I was skeptical at first because the […]
The inaugural year for the Honors College at East Carolina University has come to an end. Our students, faculty, staff, and partners, have built an incredible foundation over these past […]
Friday, August 20, 2010, at approximately 1:30 p.m., I, strolled down 10th Street with 10 other students towards the Real Crisis Intervention Center. This short walk may not seem significant […]
Stress is something everybody has to deal with, whether young or old, male or female, Type A or Type B. But stress can especially be hard on a college student. […]
During my first semester here at ECU, I had the privilege of living in the Honors dorm. The experience of being part of the Living and Learning Community for Honors College […]
I am an undergraduate researcher at the Brody School of Medicine. I first started in the field of research in high school observing my mentors. One mentor I observed in […]
At ECU, there are tons of professors who come to the university wanting to teach and to find personal protégés. I have observed that few students at ECU take advantage […]