Brinkley-Lane Scholars

October 2015

Attending the Amazon Brand Ambassador Summit in Seattle

By: Allison Flowers, EC Scholar and Honors College Junior At the end of my spring semester, I applied for the position of Amazon Brand Ambassador at East Carolina University and […]


September 2015

Showcasing Our Artists: Honors College Fine Arts Gala

By: McKenzie Shelton, EC Scholar and Honors College Junior This September marked an important event for the Honors College of East Carolina University.  Amidst the whirlwind of scientific research and […]


Daring, Dancing, Dreaming: Honors College Fine Arts Gala

By: Kristalyn Gill, EC Scholar and Honors College Junior What is art without a little heart? What is movement without initiation? What is creativity without curiosity? As an artist, I […]


Teamwork, Ice Cream, and Armwrestling: Ocracoke 2015

By: Garrett Yarbrough, EC Scholar and Honors College Freshman The following blog post refers to the EC Scholar Ocracoke Impact Trip, a leadership training and bonding experience held in August […]


ECU Alumnus Scott Avett Inspires Honors Students

By: McKenzie Shelton, EC Scholar and Honors College Junior Spirited dancing and head-banging, cheering fans, dripping sweat, and subwoofers pulsing with heavy bass–perhaps this is the most familiar audience to […]


August 2015

Making Music in the Mountains of Colorado

By: Allison Flowers, EC Scholar and Honors College Junior During the week of June 15 through 19, I had the opportunity to visit Colorado State University to take part in […]


From Hobbiton to Harbour Bridge: Exploring New Zealand and Australia

By: Ashley Wilford, EC Scholar and Honors College Sophomore New Zealand and Australia are two nations I never would have imagined having the chance to travel to, but this summer, I […]


July 2015

ECU Hosts NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

By: Erika Dietrick, Undergraduate Director of Marketing and Communications Senior EC Scholar Leela Goel has had her eye on biomedical research for as long as she can remember. What began […]


Dear College Freshmen

By: Jessica Rogers, EC Scholar and Honors College Sophomore The following blog post was originally featured on The Blog of Jessica. Photo: Jessica (right) and friend (left) graduate from Nash Central […]


Baucom Awarded National Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship

By: Erika Dietrick, Undergraduate Director of Marketing and Communications In June, Class of 2015 graduate Ryan Baucom was rewarded for his excellence in chemistry and dedication to serving others with […]
