Research Opportunities

January 2019

Mathematical Frontiers Monthly Webinar Series

Mathematical Frontiers Monthly Webinar Series Join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for a webinar series featuring exciting and upcoming mathematics research across an array of topics. Webinars […]


Elevating Mathematics Video Competition

Elevating Mathematics Video Competition The mathematical sciences are part of everyday life. Modern communication, transportation, science, engineering, technology, medicine, manufacturing, security, finance, and many other disciplines depend on the mathematical […]


New Student Research Award Inspired by Robert Morgan

Do you have students interested in research in areas such as politics, public policy, law, education, criminal justice or sociology? A new student research award has been established, honoring Senator […]


Student Travel Awards

Awards of up to $600 will be given to current or continuing undergraduate students only who travel to conferences to present their research or creative activity projects.


Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Awards (URCA)

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Awards provide funds to support faculty-mentored research and creative projects undertaken by undergraduate students. Applications consist of a summary of the work to be completed […]


Research Mini Awards

Awards up to $600 are given to students in the spring or first summer session to support mentored research projects. Priority given to these majors: education, business, communications and the […]


Searching for an internship? Check the Student Opportunity Center!


Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference

The 51st annual Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference will be held at The University of Tennessee Martin, February 8-9th. The last day to submit an abstract or register for SURC 2019 is January 15th. Please […]


2019 Ole Miss Chemistry Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

Program: The Ole Miss Chemistry Department seeks applicants for an NSF-funded summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2019. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who […]


Into the Fields Summer Programs

The application deadline for the Into the Fields Internship & Fellowship Programs is February 3, 2019.  Last year, twenty-five Into the Fields interns and fellows supported nearly 6,000 farmworkers by working full-time with […]
