
February 2015

Honors in Student Government: Vice President Tyler Moore

By: Tyler Moore, Honors College Junior My experience in Student Government has been an exciting time. Almost two years ago I ran for a seat in the SGA Undergraduate Senate. […]


Soccer, Scholarship, and Stories: Gwendolyn Oxenham

By: Maggie Marshall, EC Scholar and Honors College Freshman The following is a reflection from the Honors College Leadership Lecture featuring Gwendolyn Oxenham.  The word that comes to mind when […]


Home Away From Home: The ECU School of Music

By: Maggie Mullis, Honors College Junior If you have never been inside Fletcher (The ECU School of Music), you have missed out on one of the most magical places on […]


January 2015

Faculty Feature: The True Rewards of Teaching

By: Dr. Kindal Shores, Honors College Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Recreation & Leisure Studies It is 9 am on a Thursday in January. I am sitting in Joyner Library […]


Applying for Research Funding

By: Ryan Baucom, EC Scholar and Honors College Senior As an Honors College student, you are required to complete a senior honors project before graduation.   I have been working in […]


Cherishing Time in Certaldo Alto

By: Sarah Judy, Honors College Junior When I applied to the Italy Intensives program last spring, I was excited to finally have an opportunity to expand my horizons and see […]


December 2014

Pursuing Research at the Brody School of Medicine

By: Nadiya Yerich, EC Scholar and Honors College Freshman I am a freshman at ECU, and I am a paid undergraduate researcher in the Department of Cell Anatomy and Biology at […]


ECU Engineering Experiments with SolidWorks

By: Ashley Wilford, EC Scholar and Honors College Freshman As I begin working towards my engineering degree at ECU, one of the classes for my major is Engineering Graphics.  The course […]


Inspiring Confidence and Compassion: Honors 2000

By: Amanda Hall, Honors College Freshman As a freshman in the Honors College at East Carolina University, I am currently enrolled in Honors 2000. This class challenges Honors College freshmen […]


Taking Honors to New Heights: the NCHC Conference

By: Adrian Modzik, Honors College Senior Before traveling to Denver, CO, the furthest I had ever traveled was Dallas, TX for a soccer tournament when I was 12. I was […]
