Spring Break study abroad - Sport for Social Change with Warner & Fraley

We have a Spring Break 2022 Sport for Social Change trip that is now officially scheduled. It will be Australia: Sport & Social Change March 2-13, 2022.  The itinerary is here: https://honors.ecu.edu/news/wp-content/pv-uploads/sites/441/Australia-Study-Abroad-Students-Info-10.14.2021.pdf 

It will be a course requirement for HNRS 2013.003, 32725 Sport for Development)– with an estimated cost of $4040 plus international airfare. If you already have the required two HNRS seminars, you can opt to enroll in KINE 4003 instead. KINE 4003 is a DE section, there will be some online coursework before and after the trip. For Wednesday 2nd it will be a travel day and you MAY be able to work flights around your classes (i.e., leave from RDU late afternoon/early evening). You will, though, miss Thursday 3rd, and Friday the 4th,  so you will want to work with your instructors—most of whom will be willing to work with you if you let them know in advance. You can provide them with documentation, but it is always up to the instructor if they will excuse those days.  Again, most instructors will when the understand the opportunity and experience you will have, and work with you if you provide them with advance notice.

If you intend to go, please make sure you application is complete at piratesaboard.ecu.edu as we are trying to figure out numbers.  We currently have room for about 8 -12 more HRNS students but do anticipate this trip will fill.  So it will be on a first come first serve basis, so please try to complete the application by November 15th.