What is the Signature Honors Project? A Guide for Faculty & Advisors
The Signature Honors Project (SHP) has the potential to be one of the most satisfying experiences of the student’s undergraduate career. In partnership with a faculty mentor, the SHP presents an opportunity for concentrated scholarly study in an area of the student’s choice. The SHP will represent an original contribution to a discipline by completing a thesis or creative endeavor.
The skills the student refines while designing and then completing the SHP will often separate them from other outstanding candidates for graduate school or future employment opportunities.
What are the SHP Requirements and Options?
The main qualification of the SHP is that it represents original scholarly or creative work. The student’s SHP faculty mentor will work with the student to find an appropriate topic. They will evaluate the final project and give a letter grade as the instructor of record for the SHP. Completion of a SHP is required for graduation from the Honors College at ECU. Students must earn a final grade of “B minus” or higher to receive Honors College credit for the SHP.
Students will need 6 credit hours of classes associated with the SHP, at least one presentation, and a final writeup that is uploaded into ScholarShip/Vireo in the library.
What is it like to be an SHP mentor?
Being a mentor for an Honors College student’s Signature Honors Project can be a very rewarding experience for both the student and you as a faculty member. Three faculty who have mentored honors students through their project share their thoughts on the experience:
What classes does the student use for the SHP?
The Honors College prefers the student take an independent study course in your major. HNRS 4500 and HNRS 4550 are reserved for those ents whose major doesn’t offer independent study or the major class isn’t a good fit for the project.
Before starting the SHP, Honors students will take HNRS 4000, a one-credit-hour course on the SHP. Students will take this course the semester before they start the SHP. They will complete the SHP contract in the class.
When does the student complete my Signature Honors Project?
Anytime at ECU but it should be started no later than the first semester of senior year.
How does my advisee/student find a mentor and topic?
The first step is taking HNRS 4000!
Where do I send my advisee/student to find more information?
First, they should check the Honors College’s Signature Honors Project website. If their questions aren’t answered there, they can contact Dr. Katie Ford, the associate dean and director of the Brinkley-Lane Scholars Program, at fordk@ecu.edu.
Helpful Resources
- Student SHP Manual (PDF)
- Faculty Mentor SHP Manual (PDF)
- SHP Thesis Contract (Word)
- SHP Creative Endeavor Contract (Word)
- OFE Recorded Session on the SHP for Mentors
- Mentoring Signature Honors Projects: The Opportunities and Requirements for Mentors presentation (PDF)
- One Page Guide on SHP Mentoring (PDF)